January 29th is Seeing Eye Dog Day! Can we all take a moment recognize how amazing these pooches are? We wanted to highlight 5 fun facts that you might not know about Seeing Eye Dogs in honour of [...]
October 1st is “National Walk Your Dog Day!” There are so many benefits of walking your dog. Here are just a few! –Strengthens your bond. When a dog looks up at you on a walk with a look [...]
Your pet’s body is made up of 80% water, so staying hydrated is a must, especially in the summer! July is ‘Pet Hydration Awareness Month’ so let’s get the facts about slurping up this summer! [...]
Like humans, dogs need a well-balanced and nutritious diet. This helps our furry friends to have the energy they need throughout the day and to remain healthy. The problem with some of today’s [...]
In today’s world, I think it is safe to say “expect the unexpected” as anything can happen in life. June is “Pet Preparedness” month; a month that reminds us to be prepared for anything and have [...]
April 21st is “Bulldogs are Beautiful” day. The thing I like most about this holiday is the message behind it. We all know that Bulldogs can look tough with their sturdy physique and wrinkly [...]
We all want a dog that we can take along with us to places and trust that they will be well behaved. Dogs are like kids – playing and wild fun has its place and time but you have to put in the, [...]
A dog’s nose is its superpower. It is the strongest sense that they have – “smell”. There are a few reasons for this: 1. Olfactory Receptors (Smell Receptors): While humans have around 6 million [...]
For humans, it’s easy to vocalize when we aren’t in the best mood, or something is bothering us. Dogs don’t have the ability to speak in words, however their behavior or physical demeanor can [...]
A dog’s strongest sense is smell (not surprising, I know). There are a few reasons for this: Olfactory Receptors (Smell Receptors): While humans have around 6 million olfactory receptors, dogs [...]