“No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.” Hearts are important for so many reasons in life. February is ‘Everything You Need to Know About Protecting Your Pet’s Heart Month’, so [...]
January 29th is Seeing Eye Dog Day! Can we all take a moment recognize how amazing these pooches are? We wanted to highlight 5 fun facts that you might not know about Seeing Eye Dogs in honour of [...]
Happy New Year! New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but can be hard to keep. They are made with the best intentions, but life can get in the way of keeping them. Since we want to keep our [...]
A cat purring is such a unique and distinct sound. If you’ve ever wondered how a cat purrs, the sound comes from rapid movements in their voice box. It begins as a signal in the central nervous [...]
With Christmas approaching, Santa is probably busy getting new toys and treats ready to fill your pet’s stocking. Fittingly, December is ‘Safe Toys and Gift Month’ – it’s a perfect time to [...]
November 16th is National Slobber Appreciation Day! It was created in 2012 to help bring awareness to the Newfoundland breed who are known for their slobbering abilities. The Dog Slobber [...]
A healthy pet is our number one priority as a pet parent. Our furry companions are members of our family, so we want to do anything and everything possible to keep them happy and healthy. [...]
Happy Black Cat Day! For those of us who have had the pleasure of knowing a black cat, we know that the myths behind their bad luck persona are inaccurate, and instead bring positive energy into [...]
October 1st is “National Walk Your Dog Day!” There are so many benefits of walking your dog. Here are just a few! –Strengthens your bond. When a dog looks up at you on a walk with a look [...]
Like humans, dogs need to get the proper amount of sleep to have a healthy life. Dogs are polyphasic sleepers, meaning their sleep schedules include more than 2 sleeping periods a day. On [...]