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How Cats Benefit Your Health

August 8th is National Cat Day here in Canada! What a better way to celebrate than to provide the benefits of having a cat!


Cats can serve as a source of social support during difficult times.  They can help you mourn, recover from mental illness and provide emotional support during difficult times.  It is proven that petting a cat can release certain chemicals in the brain that are needed to ‘feel better’.


Cats lower stress levels, which is key to a healthy heart (or just being healthier all around in general).  Petting a cat is very calming. They do not require as much work as a dog and provide more of a stress-free lifestyle.  Studies have shown that people who own cats are less likely to die from a heart attack.


Owning an animal provides someone with a purpose – they rely on you to take care of them, and you feel less lonely when you have someone or something to care for.


This may sound odd, but people with cats report sleeping better.  There are even studies that have found people, especially women, prefer sleeping with their cats than their partners.  Sleeping with a cat can provide comfort and improve the quality of your sleep.


Studies have shown that being exposed to pets during the first year of life can reduce the risk of developing allergies.  Not only are you less likely to develop pet allergies, but other allergies like dust mites, ragweed and grass.  So, if you’re expecting, now might be the time to get a cat!

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