A day first established in 2011 to give recognition to ALL animals and raise awareness for their rights. This year, the event is being held on June 3rd. It is recognized in many cities around the world, including Toronto. The day includes a memorial service for animals who have died, a reading of the Declaration of Animal Rights, and a celebration of those animals in our lives.
Read and sign the declaration of animal rights here.
The organization called ‘Our Planet. There’s Too.’ created this day in hopes that their vision would someday be brought to life. Their vision involves believing that “the day will come when no animal is “farmed” or kept in confinement against their will. No animal will be used by humans, for any purpose, and all animals will be left to live their lives on their own terms, with their families and offspring”.
Looking to get involved? You can donate to the NARD’s “giving grid” here and help them reach their goal.