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How to Care for Your Deaf Dog

There are many ways a dog can become deaf.  They could be born deaf from a birth defect or become deaf later in life due to chronic ear infections, injury, or old age.  Regardless of the cause, caring for your deaf dog is crucial to ensure your dog’s safety and happiness.

What can we do to help our dog who is deaf? Here are some tips:

Learn Hand Signals
Deaf dogs will not hear us if we call their name or ask them to do something.  By learning hand signal commands, you can improve your dog’s way of life and strengthen the bond between the two of you.  Learning hand signals can also keep your dog safe if a dangerous situation occurs.

Never Sneak Up
Some deaf dogs need more space than other dogs.  Try to avoid sneaking up and startling your dog. Give them space and make sure they see you before approaching.  If they are sleeping, try not to startle them.  A deaf dog could become defensive or aggressive if suddenly approached or awoken.

Make It Known
It might be a good idea to tag your deaf dog to make sure people are aware of your dog’s hearing impairment.  You can have a custom ID tag made, a leash sleeve or even a vest which states: “I Am Deaf”.  This allows people to be aware and sets your dog up to have more success in their interactions with people.

Pay Attention and Monitor
Being constantly aware of your dog’s surroundings is essential.  When outside, your dog won’t hear traffic sounds or any danger cues that could come up.  In social settings with other dogs, your dog may miss cues from others that can lead to a potential fight.  Always Monitoring in these situations is key to make sure your dog s safe.

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