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Black Cats

Happy Black Cat Day!  For those of us who have had the pleasure of knowing a black cat, we know that the myths behind their bad luck persona are inaccurate, and instead bring positive energy into our lives.

Black cats are said to be intelligent, playful, and very affectionate. They are very loyal and loving family members.  Most tend to like to spend time on your lap, so be prepared for a furry cuddle buddy when you sit.

Debunk the Myth!
We are all aware of the superstitions behind black cats and the bad luck they are said to bring.  Let’s take that power away and shed some light on the places where black cats are said to bring good luck!
-In Scotland, a black cat at your doorway is said to bring money,
-The French associate black cats with prosperity.
-In Germany, they believe that a black cat crossing your path brings GOOD luck.
-In history, sailors or pirates viewed black cats to have magical powers and bring good luck.

Fun facts
-Black cats might be more resistant to disease. It is said that the same trait that causes their black coats might offer protection to some diseases.
-Black is genetically dominant, but just because 2 black cats mate, doesn’t mean they will have black furred kittens. A gene called the ‘non-agouti’ gene is what causes a black coat. This gene stops the patterned fur trait and causes a black-furred kitten.
-Their fur can change colour to a brownish tinge if they spend time in the sun.  Age and stress can also cause their fur to turn a bit grey.
-Most black cats have yellow eyes.
“Black Cat Syndrome” in shelters is real.  They are often overlooked and not likely to be adopted due to the superstitions behind them.

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